Wednesday 25 February 2015

bKash & Brand Positioning

bKash and its Brand Positioning
bKash, a joint venture between Branc bank ltd, Bangladesh, and Money in Motion LLC, USA, is a full-scale mobile phone based payment switch in Bangladesh.
bKash is a very powerful brand in terms of educating its customers, their emotional, favorable attachment with the brand and user friendly experience with the overall service. bkash is a brand with customer-based brand-equity as its investment is thoroughly focused on improving service quality for customers and has successfully made them aware of and familiar with the brand. It occupies a very distinctive place in the minds of the customers and this is why most people now say ‘bkash it’ instead of ‘send money through a mobile financing service’. The mission of bkash is to ensure access to a broader range of financial services for the people of Bangladesh and it has a special focus to serve the low income masses of the country to achieve broader financial inclusion through services that are convenient, affordable and reliable. It positioned itself through promoting its service benefits and creating values and beliefs among its target market. bkash geographically, socio economically and behaviorally segmented the market in terms of customers’ location, income, occupation, user rate and involvement. As bkash’s target market includes rural and low income people who are in dire and regular need of exchanging money from one place to another but were primarily not interested in mobile banking, it has successfully educated and introduced them to all the benefits they can receive through their proper branding strategy. There are many competitors playing in the market for example- Mcash, Ucash, Mobicash, DBBL mobile banking etc. The Points of Parity here are- customers spend the same amount for all service providers. But the Points of Differences are huge and bKash’s brand positioning wins here because of its more desirability, fast and secure service, and nationwide availability compared to others. In its branding strategy, bkash emotionally attached people with the brand based on trust, reliability, friendship, happiness, protection, family bonds with the service. bKash uses all sorts of promotional tools for its branding and uses general people from its target market to better connect with them. It has redefined customer-provider relationship and so there is hardly any potential customer in Bangladesh who does not know about bKash. The Brand Mantra of bKash - Brand function: being available everywhere with high quality, fast and secure service, Descriptive modifier: target market is mostly rural, lower income people and people who need to exchange money on a regular basis, Emotional modifier: trustworthy, most reliable, friendly and happy service experience.

As bkash is the market leader in this industry, they should compete in an international scale and focus on how international MFS companies are doing to satisfy their customers. bKash should customize its service depending on its different market segments as different segments have different types of need.